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Product details
File Size: 1238 KB
Print Length: 128 pages
Publisher: Augsburg Fortress Publishers (July 1, 2004)
Publication Date: July 1, 2004
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#1,588,733 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
This is the first book I'd read that sepcifically dealt with Old Testament prophets their likenesses and their differences. It was easy to read and a quick read. I loved it! I only wished it had covered more prophets, but it only covered prophets during a certain time period. I'd recommend it.
Hutton has written a helpful little introduction to the prophets. He accepts the prophets as real persons even if filtered by the work of later editors. The author accepts many standard tenants of historical criticism. Such positions as the sign of Josiah (1 Kings 13) being a "fabricated story," (34) and Isaiah's angel of the Lord an embellishment of a historical account show his anti-supernatural bias. Hutton continues to propagate the false dichotomy between oracles of judgment as marks of a true prophet and oracles of hope as indications of later additions. The primary message of each book rather than its structure or genre is the emphasis of the author's treatment and Hutton often provides helpful insights in his discussion. For example, his comment on Micah and preaching (verb nataf) is a nice summary. All in all the book is a nice read and would be quite helpful to any seeking an overview of the Old Testament prophetic books. It is especially recommended as a complement to some of the longer introductions.
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