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Product details
File Size: 100015 KB
Print Length: 992 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 5 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
Publisher: Cisco Press; 1 edition (June 29, 2016)
Publication Date: June 29, 2016
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#198,910 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
I can't believe I'm writing a good review for this book. After enjoying reading/studying Lammle's ICND1. Lammle's writing style is active, direct to the point; making the book easy to read. Contrast to Odom's ICND1's writing style which is passive, and some topic's explanations are repetitious. Lammle explains a topic in 1 page while Odom takes 2 to 4 pages (average).However, as for ICND2 books comparison (Lammle vs Odom). Odom's ICND2 book is more superior than Lammle's ICND2 book. I bought Odom's book first. Being spoiled with Lammle's writing style, it was hard for me to read the first chapter of Odom's book. I would get frustrated with Odom's repetitious writing style that I would get a mild headache. So, I decided to buy Lammle's book. Lammle's ICND2 book has the same good writing style, however, it has half less pages than Odom's book. I decided to give Odom's book another try. However, this time around, I started reading last 3 chapters of the book. The last chapters was written more active than the first chapter. After reading the last chapters, I got accustomed to Odom's writing style. So, I flipped the book and started reading the first chapter with no problem. Now, while I'm writing this review I'm on chapter 7. Additionally, Odom's book have more topic explanations than Lammle's.
I'm docking this one star for not having been updated with complete SDN material (it wasn't available at time of publication, but that was two years ago), and another for being incomplete elsewhere since there are questions on ICND2 that are not covered by this book. It's also an absolute slog to read through, but that applies to a lot of technical material, so I'm not lowering the rating for that.All that having been said, I passed the exam easily, and this was my primary study material. But I have a lot more experience than a typical CCNA candidate (I'm really only doing this since it's a prereq for CCNP), so make of that what you will. What I would say is that this book and some subnetting practice are probably enough to pass the exam.
I find this book and INCD1 easy to read and love the goals incorporated into each chapter with a final review for each segment. I wish I had gotten this book first. Now off to hopefully pass the exam!
First, I want to say that both this and the ICND1 book do a great job of presenting the material in a concise and coherent way. I have been enjoying both books.The only reason why I am giving this review a one star rating is because Amazon customer services has made it impossible for me to inform them of this issue. I placed the order on this book quite a few months ago, and should have skimmed through it as soon as it arrived in order to ensure that everything was in order. But I guess I wasn't thorough enough and was unaware that an entire chapter was missing until now.Amazon won't allow me to process a return, and I can't even seem to figure out how to navigate their overly complicated customer services page just to simply inform them of the defect.Great book, but Amazon has really left me hanging here and my study schedule has suffered because of it.
Having everything can make it a life-long task to study for the CCNA. When looking to touch up on topics I found myself flipping through dozens of pages and never found what I was looking for. If you’re new to networking AND are the type to take a book a read and remember everting you read, then this book is for you.
This was an outstanding guide for adding to the information presenting in the CCENT book. I bought both together and being able to swap back and forth between the two books based on Foundation Topics is crucial to understanding how the author writes.Even after using Cisco devices for over 4 years, this book explained the topics and ideas that I have not had to learn, but needed to know for the exam. This author writes in a very logical and well thought out manner that may appear as "dry" to some. That being said, there is not nad information in this guide and can be essential to helping anyone pass the ICND 2 exam, as long as they follow along with the diagrams and really apply themselves to the virtual trainers.
After reading some of these reviews, I got a bit concerned, but the Official Cert Guide (OCG) had gotten me through ICND1 all by itself with no problems. Unfortunately, after using this 200-105 book as the primary source of my study (with about a month's worth of Cisco Learning Network labs thrown in), I did not pass the ICND2 (got 790). As usual, I had studied so much that was not on the test, and there were plenty of tricky questions. The more important point is that there was definitely stuff on the test I had never seen before -- was not covered in the OCG. With the test still very fresh in my mind, I picked up a copy of the Lammle CCNA INCD2 Study Guide, and I clearly saw material covered that was on my test but not covered in the OCG. I went through over 500 of the OCG practice test questions -- spent hours and hours worrying about root bridge STP concepts and had zero of those questions on the test.Bottom line -- this book is not enough by itself. I recommend the Lammle book. It is much, much more concise, and somehow it seems to know better what is important for the test. Hopefully with both of these sources under my belt, I will pass the second time around.Update: Well, I did barely manage to pass the second time around (took test as soon as possible after 1st failure). I spent a week using the Lammle study guide, and it really helped. Unfortunately, there is just too much material on these tests. There were still things on the test not covered by either book. Good luck to you all.
Love Odom for getting my Certs! I read his ICND 1 book and passed the exam. I am only 7 chapters in on ICND2 OCG and solidifying all the informatio to pass this test and become CCNA certified. These exams are very tough and i could not pass without these books.
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