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Product details
File Size: 24268 KB
Print Length: 496 pages
Publisher: Storey Publishing, LLC; 2 edition (January 8, 2016)
Publication Date: January 8, 2016
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#94,286 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
Having been invited by the author to provide an advance endorsement for the back cover of The Chicken Health Handbook, 2nd Edition, it was my honor to do so. For weeks I pored over my galley copy cover to cover, enjoying the completely new format, extraordinary illustrations and fresh content. This book is so much more than merely the 1994 Chicken Health Handbook with a fresh coat of paint; this version is a wholly transformed version worthy of its own distinguishing title.Widely regarded as the Patron Saint of Poultry since her 1994 book of the same name became the chicken keeper’s bible, Gail Damerow has kept her finger on the pulse of chicken management innovations, advances and trends, bringing us this completely re-calibrated, modernized Chicken Health Handbook. More than a guide to chicken health, this book is a call to deliberate thought and informed chicken care decision-making, concisely providing the tools necessary in chapters that read like a novel.Packed with pragmatic health-keeping information that embraces a holistic model of wellness, this book offers trouble-shooting tools and a panoply of real-world solutions based in solid science. It should be standard issue with every chick purchased.Ms. Damerow provides a refreshing reality check on many of the feel-good sound bites regarding holistic/natural/herbal approaches to chicken keeping that abound on chicken related blogs and books in recent years. Damerow writes, "Instructions found online and in print publications describing herbal medicine for backyard chickens suggest that such-and-such herb "is said to" work for a certain disease, or that you "try" such-and-such herb as a treatment- which sounds suspiciously like experimenting at the expense of an ailing chicken."She does not push or extol the virtues of any given herbal or natural product- she simply presents facts, allowing the reader to make science-based decisions for their flocks themselves. She methodically teases out grains of truth where they exist, stressing that alternative remedies are not a panacea. For example, with regard to “natural worm control,†the author states they are “...more suited for preventing worms than to removing an existing worm load.†"It's best not to rely entirely on natural methods unless you are certain your chickens are not suffering from an overload of worms, especially if you expect your birds to live into old age." Similarly, with respect to diatomaceous earth, she writes: "Respirable particles of crystalline silica in diatomaceous earth...sticks, (to chickens' lung tissue) causing scar tissue to form that impairs respiration."She sums up her perspective on treating sick chickens as follows:“Going by the philosophy of ‘whatever works,’ our family uses both conventional and traditional, or so-called alternative, remedies on our human selves. Sometimes the alternative methods are more effective and have fewer side effects than prescription drugs. So we are open to using alternatives on our livestock as well. When dealing with a sick chicken, however, we tend to be more cautious about trying alternatives that may or may not work. One reason is that chickens hide their pain as long as they can. By the time a chicken exhibits signs of not being well, it needs help fast. Since a chicken can’t tell us if it’s feeling better, unless a treatment works fast, we can’t tell if it’s working at all. We therefore limit alternative livestock therapies to their use as immunity enhancers.â€The Chicken Health Handbook, 2nd Edition is an indispensable resource for every chicken keeper. Run, do not walk, to get your copy! For someone who constantly seeks authoritative sources of accurate chicken keeping information, this book is a gift. I rely on it often in my work and in caring for my chickens and I know you will too.Kathy Shea MorminoThe Chicken Chick®Author, backyard chicken-keeping advisor & advocate and personal assistant to 50+ feathered pets and a Yorkie with
This is an in-depth book on chicken health. We are new at raising chickens. I attended a workshop at Heifer International and this book was recommended. So, of course, I ordered it. It is extremely comprehensive - providing information on chicken anatomy, correct diet, behavioral issues, and just what might be wrong with your chicken. I do like that the book notes whether a disease is common or rare. I feel a bit more secure in this new adventure having this book for assistance. Especially with where I live - there isn't a vet around here for chickens.
I'm still reading it but it is easy to read. The sections and topics are easy to find and has pictures too. I have put it to use twice now to solve a problem with a chicken in my flock and had a great result.
I seen this on The chicken chicks Facebook page and I just had to buy this. I am so glad I did. I have 65 chickens and no local chicken vet. This will be a great addition to my chicken library.
This is a great book full of all the things you need to know to make informed decisions about your chickens. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone that wants chickens or anyone that already has them and wants sound, proven, factual information about health and care problems. I will add that while I purchased the kindle version,( 90% of my books are virtual because I don't have the room to have a large bookcase so I only have copies of great cookbooks, plant and garden and now chicken health care) I will be adding the hardcover edition to my exclusive book collection. 2 thumbs up!
This was recommended by my vet! Good resource for your backyard flock of three or three hundred!
Excellent reference to have on hand. It’s easy to read for beginners, but the science is in depth enough to understand why a method would help an ill chicken. There’s also tables of common problems and potential sources of the problem and how to correct it. This book could only be made better if it had page references by the problem on the tables so you can flip to that section. Still pretty easy to navigate.
I have learned more than I ever wanted to know about chickens from reading this book! I am a new "mom" with 4 baby chicks & did not know what to expect. Even though a lot of this stuff scared me (all the things that could go wrong), I feel like I can take care of almost anything that I need to if I can't find a vet who treats chickens.
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