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Cucumber Recipes: Automate Anything with BDD Tools and Techniques (Pragmatic Programmers)
Free Ebook Cucumber Recipes: Automate Anything with BDD Tools and Techniques (Pragmatic Programmers)
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""There are many cookbooks but very few "chef books." Cucumber Recipes is inspiring enough to qualify as a chef book. If there's a will and a desire to use Cucumber in the process, Cucumber Recipes will more than likely show you a way...or many ways! From the basic to the esoteric, there's something for everyone in Cucumber Recipes.""--Michael Larsen, Senior quality assurance engineer, SocialText""If you're automating tests of any kind using Cucumber, in any language, against any type of software, you need this cookbook. Its recipes will help you write useful, easily maintained tests for even the most puzzling scenarios. Like all good cookbooks, it teaches good techniques and principles that will help you improve all your tests. Best of all, you can actually code the examples yourself, and learn by doing.""--Lisa Crispin, Co-author, "Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams"""""Cucumber Recipes has testing solutions for a variety of platforms. It is a powerful book that gives us useful tips to use BDD in our chosen environment. To realize the power of BDD, Cucumber Recipes is a must on every software test engineer's table.""--Kavitha Naveen, Senior lead - quality engineering
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From the Author
Q & A With Matt and IanQ. Why do you use Cucumber?Ian: I use it because it keeps my automated tests readable and usable, even years after I've written them.Q. Why did you decide to write this book?Matt: When Aslak and I wrote the first Cucumber Book, we wanted to include a selection of guides to using Cucumber in different situations. Once we started to write them, we realized there were so many different ways you can use Cucumber! That's when we decided these guides deserved a whole book of their own.Q. How do you each use Cucumber in your jobs?Matt: I run an online collaboration tool called Relish that helps teams share their living documentation (written in Cucumber) with non-technical stakeholders. Of course, I use Cucumber on a daily basis to drive out new features for the product.I also work as a trainer and consultant, traveling to teams who want to use Behavior-Driven Development (BDD). I get to see a lot of the good and bad practices out there, and I get great feedback about how the tool is being used by people.Ian: I work at a test and measurement hardware company. We use a lot of different automation frameworks, but the projects that use Cucumber consistently have the most readable test cases--the kind that can be shared among engineering, marketing, and testing groups.Q. What's in store for Cucumber in the future?Matt: We're working on a new, faster parser, which will allow more customizable behavior such as running scenarios in random order.We're aiming to make Cucumber's core code more lightweight, with better APIs and extension points. This way, we can make Cucumber more powerful without adding a maintenance burden. I'd also like to see much better tools for running and reviewing features--maybe even monitoring a running Cucumber suite from your web browser!
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Product details
Series: Pragmatic Programmers
Paperback: 276 pages
Publisher: Pragmatic Bookshelf; 1 edition (February 22, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1937785017
ISBN-13: 978-1937785017
Product Dimensions:
7.5 x 0.6 x 9.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.3 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
3.4 out of 5 stars
2 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#979,349 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
There wasn't really a whole lot in here. I thought it would have more in the .NET area for SpecFlow, but it barely touched it. In fact, it spent most of the .NET section on whitebox testing Windows Forms applications.
This is a great book if you want to be convinced that Behaviour Driven Development, BDD, techniques can be used to automate almost anything. I already knew this and instead I enjoyed reading about all different tools that can be combined to automate the behaviour in many situations.The language is relaxed and not very formal. Each recipe is short, elegant and precisely to the point. They are just a few pages each, the shortest being 3 pages and the longest 7 pages. This is a nice format where you easily can find a recipe that you need to solve your current problem without reading the entire book. An example is recipe 22 that describes how you can verify a GUI written in Java using Swing with a tool called FEST in less than 5 pages. That's not bad!The book is focused on using Ruby whenever it is possible. There are other recipes using Java and .net but they are not featured. This is not a problem; all recipes are translatable to other Cucumber implementations. If you want to use Cucumber-JVM for Java, then just do it. They will be longer, Java is a lot more verbose compared to Ruby, but the ideas are the same and the techniques are similar.Some of the recipes cover how you should tweak your environment for a better development experience and even if that is nice, it may not have a given place in this book.I can, however, recommend Cucumber Recipes. Automating the verification of the behaviour of your system is possible and this will book tell you how to do it. No matter what techniques or tools you are using.
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